Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to build a skybridge in Minecraft without dying (more than twice)

I was surprised at how much I like Minecraft. It didn't seem like a game I would enjoy playing at first, but as soon as I figured out how to deal with creepers, I became just a little obsessed. Admittedly, after a certain point, I get bored with a world and start a new game instead of going to explore other places within the same world. One of these days I'll try that...

The one thing I like to do that has no real purpose is building bridges between very tall towers. I call them skybridges (or epic bridges, depending on my mood).
way up high!
An example skybridge
I have finally figured out how to do this without dying. Well, without dying more than twice, really. Here's the thing: The whole purpose of these bridges is so that I can travel around when it's dark and not worry about creepers or skeletons sneaking up on me. Which means I'm building them in survival mode rather than creative mode.

The best way to work on these things is to build them over water.  
that's a lot of wood
All that water...
 If you build over water, when you fall (which is inevitable) you are less likely to fall to your death (which is pretty important). It's almost like having a huge diving board. When you fall, you swim back to land and run back to where you were and continue. Of course, you're falling because you misjudged how close to the edge you are.
hope you aren't afraid of heights
Tiptoe to the edge
So you tiptoe right up to the edge and peer over. If you're lucky/awesome/super talented, you will be able to turn to your right (or left) and see:
tah daaaah!
That you are lined up exactly right to add the next block. This is usually where I end up falling, because I can't quite see the side of the block, so I try and creep a little bit closer to the edge, and usually hit the "W" too long and step off the end, which is disastrous.
wish I could fly...
So close, and yet so far.
 The process can go faster if you try to meet in the middle. Especially if you fall and you're closer to the destination than the starting point.

I got particularly fancy with this bridge in particular. It touches four different towers, and one portion has a little redstone powered railway.
choices, choices
I always choose the train.
Stone walls make good sides of a bridge. You don't need sides to a bridge, but I prefer the security of knowing that I won't be able to fall off. Also, they look cool.

I tried playing in creative mode once and got so bored of it after 10 minutes, that I deleted the world and went back to playing survival mode. Part of the fun of the game for me is finding the rare elements, like gold and diamond. If I have free access to them, that defeats the purpose, doesn't it? And I hear they're adding horses. I foresee needing to play until I tame a horse. I'm still hunting for an ocelot. I've tamed a wolf, but not had much luck in keeping them alive. They tend to fall into the holes where I've been mining and it's pretty hard for anything to survive that kind of fall.

The other issue with my mines is that sometimes Endermen will use them as refuges from rainy nights. I have found the best way to counteract this is to pour a bucket of water down after them. Seeing as how they dislike water so much, this sends them running and I can go back to mining to the bottom of the world in peace.

 I will leave you with one last terrifying image:

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